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Does High Metabolism Help Pass a Drug Test?

Every person is different, so there is no set time that a drug stays in the body. This is because each person has a different metabolic rate. A high metabolism, as well as other physical factors, play a role in determining how long drugs can be detectable in the body. Other factors include dosage size and tolerance for the drug.

Drugs are detectable in urine, blood, and hair. Users of drugs like marijuana can remove the traces of the drug from their blood. However, drugs in the hair can be detected for months, so for a person to pass a hair drug test, he/she has to wash the hair thoroughly. In some extreme cases, there may be a need to cut off the hair.

Marijuana stays the longest in the body system. It can be detected after 30 days in the urine. In the blood, it can be detected for up to two weeks. Does a high metabolism reduce this time?

high metabolism help pass a drug test

The Role of High Metabolism in Drug Detection

THC is highly lipophilic along with its first metabolite. This implies that they are stored in fat. The THC concentration in fat is approximately 100 times higher than in the blood. The estimates may vary in the case, but the amount of THC in the blood is often a small fraction of the body’s total THC unless you just consumed marijuana.

THC can stay in the body for a long time because of fat storage. The THC in the blood is metabolized quickly since it passes the liver. This is not the case for the fat as there is no provision of metabolism for THC in fat.

THC passes through several stages when it is ingested. They include:

  • Absorption stage: this is the first fifteen minutes after ingestion. THC is absorbed from the lungs rapidly after smoking. This causes a rise in the THC levels in the blood.
  • First distribution stage: this is usually after the first fifteen minutes to one hour. During this time, the blood THC levels drop dramatically and are distributed into fat tissue and organs.
  • Second distribution stage: this phase is usually within the first and fourth hours. At this point, there is an equilibrium between THC in the organs and THC in the blood. Still, there continues to be some movement of THC from the blood into the fat tissue since the process takes a while.
  • Elimination stage: after four hours the THC in the fat tissue and blood reach equilibrium. The movement of THC to the blood from the fat tissue continues as liver metabolism depletes the THC levels in the blood.

The THC is not trapped in fat in the real sense of things. However, it means that it depends on a higher metabolism to be released. The fat must be burned before it can be released.

After smoking a single joint in a day, the THC level in the fat tissues reduces quicker in people with a faster metabolism. However, it is important to note that there is a huge difference in the accumulation of Tetrahydrocannabinol in the body fats. When a person has more body fat or slower metabolism, he/she accumulates more THC. A skinny person doesn't accumulate much THC in fat tissues even if she or he smokes regularly for a week. Someone with an average body and metabolism accumulates some THC in fat tissues, but this often levels off in a few days.

A fat person accumulates lots of THC in his/her fat tissues. Smoking weed daily can make such a person reach the maximum levels of THC in the fat tissues.

Speeding Up Your Metabolic Rate

If you need to pass a drug test, a high metabolic rate would come in handy. There are a few ways to help your body to speed up your metabolism.

Cut unhealthy fats and sugars from your diet

The body is saddled with processing narcotics while also removing toxins from the system. This is already a lot of work and unhealthy fats and sugar can put too much pressure on the body. Saturated fats and trans fats are difficult to process or break down. Eating a diet that is high in bad fats and sugar will affect your body’s ability to flush out THC. It can make the drugs linger on in your body and will be detectable on drug tests.

You can find large amounts of unhealthy fats and sugars in products like candy, soda, junk foods, and processed foods. Also, some products such as high sodium processed foods cause water retention. This retention is not ideal if you want to pass a drug test. It could slow down the process of passing the drugs out of the body.

Eat high fiber foods such as vegetables

Eating healthy vegetables can be very helpful in speeding up your metabolism. It restores your mineral and vitamin supplies which have been depleted. When the body is healthier, it works better at processing and removing drug residue. Also, these foods which are rich in fiber accelerate metabolism and help remove the drugs with feces.

Even though doing this is not ideal for passing a urine test, it helps the body to get rid of the drug residue and makes you healthier over a few months. It is safer to focus on detoxing and taking water for a drug test.

Some high fiber foods include lentils, oatmeal, lima beans, grains, and broccoli.

Focus more on antioxidant-rich foods

Antioxidants improve the body's overall health. This can ultimately make it easier to process and flush out the toxins as well as the drug's chemical remnants. There are lots of foods that contain antioxidants in large amounts. They include leafy greens such a wheatgrass, kale and romaine lettuce. Berries are also high in antioxidants, and strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are your best bet.

Having a high metabolism is an advantage because it processes and removes the residue of the drug quicker. This is why slimmer people have a shorter detectable time. A high metabolism can really help a person pass a drug test.