Marijuana Detox Drinks to Pass a Drug Test in 2023
Detox drinks normally contain vitamins and additives that speed up flushing toxins and other harmful substances from your body. You can usually find such drinks in health food stores and pharmacies. Although THC detox drinks were specially designed to cleanse the system from traces of marijuana, many people still wonder if they really help you pass a drug test.
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Do Marijuana Detox Drinks Work?
Yes, marijuana detox drinks work, but you have to know that most of them are aimed at passing urine tests and do not help with hair or saliva tests. If you want to pass the saliva test, you should use detox mouthwash. As for the hair test, detox shampoo is a solution, and detox drinks will definitely help you pass a urine test provided that you follow all instructions and properly manage consumption time.
How Do They Work?
There are two main ways of passing a drug test. The first is through urine sample substitution, and the second is dilution. Most detox products boost urination, acting as diuretics. With all of them, you should also drink an excessive amount of liquid, which is another important factor affecting urination. The aim is to remove polluted urine from the bladder and substitute it with diluted urine, thus decreasing the concentration of THC in the urine until it becomes undetectable.
Please note that THC residues accumulate in your bladder over time, so you need to urinate frequently to dilute your urine effectively. In particular, you have to urinate several times before pissing in a sample cup (this is where diuretics will help) to prevent toxins from accumulating at a detectable level.
A lab adulteration test will detect overdiluted urine, so you may be reported and face some unwanted consequences. Marijuana detox drinks help you avoid this because they contain minerals and vitamins able to restore your urine’s normal appearance and composition. For example, vitamin B gives your sample a natural yellow color, while creatine restores the level of creatinine in urine that labs usually check in case they suspect dilution.
As you can see, diuretics in combination with excessive fluid intake aren’t very helpful since they cause diluted urine. If you want to pass a drug test, you need a multipurpose solution that not only flushes out THC and other chemicals from your urine but also restores its normal color and composition.
Who Should Use Them?
Marijuana detox drinks are primarily intended for those people who need privacy protection in illegitimate drug tests. We believe that using the cannabis plant for treatment and recreation is everyone’s right and should not cause any kind of discrimination, but we have to mention that cheating official and lawfully administered drug tests is a felony, and you should avoid this course of action.
THC detox drinks are also helpful in case you want to stop smoking weed and relieve the withdrawal symptoms or simply decide to get rid of toxins to improve overall health and wellness.
Do They Work with Other Drugs?
Yes, these drinks are effective not only for weed detox but also for other drugs if we speak about urine testing. You should take into account, however, that the effect can vary depending on the drug. For instance, fat-soluble substances are metabolized more slowly, so it will take more time to eliminate them from your urine.
Can Labs Detect Detox Drinks?
No, drug detox drinks cannot be detected. They do not leave any traces in the urine as is the case with usual drinks. In fact, laboratories don’t even check samples for the presence of detox drinks. They are simply not interested. They can only detect dilution of a sample, but this will never happen if you follow all instructions carefully.
THC Detox Drinks That Work for Drug Test
It’s not easy to choose the right product among all the marijuana detox drinks available on the market—Stinger Detox Deep System Cleanser, Rescue Detox ICE, Extreme Detox by Nutra Cleanse, Toxin Rid Detox Program, Detoxify Xxtra Clean, Mega Clean Herbal Cleanse, and Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse to name a few. Here is the one that works best based on our experience:
Herbal Clean QCarbo Plus With Booster
This is a very popular detox drink by Herbal Clean, which comes in combination with Super Boost pills intended to make the detox process faster. Due to this feature, QCarbo Plus even works for chronic cannabis users. Read more ...
This best-selling kit includes the Herbal Clean QCarbo Detox Drink and the QClean Chewable Detox Supplement to make the cleansing process even more powerful. After using them, you can check their effectiveness by using the included single-panel THC urine test. Read more ...
How to Use
Marijuana detox drinks help to get THC out of your system and pass a urine drug test, but you should take into account that you have to follow all the instructions properly and manage time very carefully because these products are effective for only a few hours. After this time, they leave the body, and their effectiveness decreases significantly. Marijuana detox drinks are usually most effective for 2 to 5 hours from the time of consumption, which means that you have to begin your cleansing process about 2 hours before the test.
Product instructions should be read and followed closely. The essential part of the detox process is drinking plenty of liquids and urinating as much as possible. This is important because you need to eliminate urine with traces of THC and replace it with clean urine. Detox drinks contain minerals and vitamins intended to restore the natural composition and appearance of your urine.
Do not smoke weed for at least a couple of days before undergoing a drug test. You should also avoid all other toxins, as these could lead to a false-positive result.
Use a home urine test before going to the tesing facility to verify that your THC level does not exceed the normal level.
Unless you require a quick weed detox, you may choose a complex process, such as the 7 Day Premium Detox Program, which enables you to get rid of all toxins within a week. It will also positively affect your general health and well-being.