How to Detox from Teflon Chemicals
Technology has provided solutions to many problems. However, these solutions are not without their own problems. As our lives get busier, mundane tasks like scrubbing food that is stuck to pans and pots become more difficult. Technology introduced non-stick pans for this purpose to ease the clean up of sticky food. Studies have shown that the coating of such non-stick pans with Teflon comes with heavy health risks that outweigh the benefits.
Usually, non-stick pans are made of several toxic chemicals that are harmful to health. Some of the chemicals include tetrafluoroethylene, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and other perfluorochemicals (PFCs) are used in making non-stick pans. These chemicals have been associated with different health issues which also include cancer. In most cases, overheating Teflon cookware may trigger the release of fumes into the house and cause illness in individuals. It also kills birds.
What Is Teflon?
Teflon isn’t the name of any particular chemical or product. Rather, it is a registered trademark belonging to Chemours which was formally DuPont. The brand name is associated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Teflon is specifically an artificial fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene.
For years now, the Teflon brand has been the generic term used for the PTFE substance even though it isn’t another name for it. The reason the brand is often associated with the cookware is that it is used by a wide range of users. It is also used industrially.
What Dangers Do Teflon Cookware Cause When Overheated?
There have been several reports which reveal that overheating Teflon cookware causes toxic fumes to be released into the environment, these fumes make people sick and have killed some birds. More than 500 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures can trigger the release of these toxic fumes. It is recommended that nonstick cookware should not be heated on high. It shouldn’t also be used under a broiler.
Also, reports reveal that nearly all Americans tested have PFCs in their blood supply. More children recorded higher levels than adults.
A report from the West Virginia University School of Medicine by Dr. Kim Innes and colleagues reveals that the high levels of about two chemicals used in manufacturing Teflon coatings for pans, pots and other surfaces can be a risk factor for osteoarthritis.
Detox from Teflon Chemicals
Since you know the terrible side effects of using cookware laced with Teflon, how can you detox from them? The process of detoxing the body from these chemicals is not easy since you use the cookware daily. Oral chelation pills have been proven ineffective against Teflon chemicals and EDTA chelation does not work as well. Ingesting antioxidants in large amounts does not help as well. However, limiting exposure is one way to prevent it but this will mean turning your life upside down.
Firstly, it isn't necessary to get rid of any of your Teflon coated cookware you have bought a long time ago. The pots and pan made in 2008 have more detectable levels of toxins. Newer versions of this cookware do not emit detectable levels of PFOS and PFOA when they are overheated. If your cookware is an older version and you cannot afford to replace it, then avoid overheating it. Temperatures that can release the chemicals into the environment are higher than usual. Mostly above cooking oil's smoke point. Do not leave your pot or pan on a hot stove.
In addition, it is better to avoid the largest source of PFOS and PFOA for lots of Americans – microwave popcorn popping bag. The microwaveable popcorn popping bag contains more Teflon than any other item used in everyday life. You can still pop the corn without a microwave. The traditional means of making popcorn in a hot pot which is not Teflon coated is ideal.
Lots of microwave popcorn makers offer organic popcorn free from diacetyl. This chemical is responsible for a fake buttery smell in popcorn. Diacetyl is not the only chemical that you need to avoid. Also, stay away from the PFOS and PFOA contained in the popping bag. To do this, pour the microwavable popcorn into a covered skillet on high and heat it for five minutes. Don't forget to shake the pan often to ensure that the kernels do not burn before they pop successfully.
For many people, it is easy to avoid potent sources of PFOS and PFOA. These tips below can help.
- If you are pregnant, it is advisable to stay away from tapes, adhesives, and cement. If you are in your first trimester, this warning is more important.
- Do not place water-resistant clothes in the back seat or trunk of a car. The heat causes a release of harmful chemicals.
- Avoid using grout to replace or lay tile in a poorly ventilated or hot place. If it is absolutely necessary that you use grout in a confined space, put on a respirator.
- Do not place babies and toddlers on carpets. Since kids touch the carpet as they crawl, they stand a risk of being exposed to PFOS and PFOA in carpet fibers. This can cause lifelong contamination.
- If you eat cod liver oil or fish oil, always use a distilled brand. The preferable option is one that is distilled without using extra chemicals.
- Reduce your consumption of fried eggs with a runny consistency as they contain some compounds that bind B vitamin’s biotin. This affects the ability of the body to handle the PFOS and PFOA toxicity.
- Eat healthily and include fruits and vegetables. These items detoxify the body. A study in Norway conducted on a cross-section of Norwegians revealed that plan foods can lower PFOS and PFOA levels when taken daily. The participantswere already exposed to Teflon chemicals and were given 150 grams of plant foods daily. It reduced the chemical levels by 16% each year.
Reduce your consumption of seafood caught in shallow water like oysters. Most of the time, PFOS and PFOA float on the seawater surface and could contaminate fish in this region. Deep-sea fish, as well as shellfish, are healthier options as they are unlikely to be contaminated.